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Import Export

HM Import Export Bangladesh
Import Export

Import Export

  1. Betel nut
  2. Green Cocoanut
  3. Dry fish
  4. Betel
Import Item:
  1. Indian women cloth
  2. Shoes
  3. Easy bike
  4. Electric bicycle
  5. Arabian Dates
  6. Stone (construction item)
  7. Pampers
  8. Mens Trimmer
  9. Full Cream Powder


EXPORT PRODUCT: Betel nut is one of the beneficial foods. There are various ways this nut can be consumed: fresh, dried, boiled, roasted etc. It is usually used to prepare the medicine. Betel nut can be chewed but it is normally consumed along with tobacco. It has an immense number of benefits (if not taken with tobacco as tobacco deteriorates your health) Betel nut is full of nutrients such as alkaloids like arecoline, arecaidine, guvacine, arecaine , choline ,guvacoline, gallic fatty acid, tannins etc. Our Bangladesh is famous for Betel Nuts, each and every district have special and different qualities of betel nut, and we HM EXPO PRIVATE LIMITED are proud to say that from us you will always get the best quality betel nuts of Bangladesh. Betel nut acts as a cure for various illnesses:

  1. Treatment of schizophrenia (mental disorder): Research shows that chewing this nut helps to reduce severe symptoms of schizophrenia in patients.
  2. Treatment of glaucoma (an eye disorder): It helps to treat eye issues such as glaucoma.
  3. Good for oral health: Have cavity in your teeth? Well, eating betel nut prevents as well as treats cavity formation. Moreover, gum swelling and ache can also be cured.
  4. For Stroke: People who had previously suffered from a stroke cannot often speak properly due to weak muscles. Consuming betel nuts help to strengthen muscles thus speaking will be improved. Besides, it also improves bladder function.
  5. Aid in digestion: Indigestion can be treated as well as constipation and diarrhea by consumption of betel nut.
  6. Relieves menstrual pain: Are you a girl and frustrated due to menstrual pain every month? Betel nut is extensively used to help relieve menstrual cramps. Moreover, it also helps to treat yellow discharge from the vagina.

People suffering from anemia also benefit, if they consume betel nut. Not only for humans, betel nut is helpful for animals also. Vets use betel extract to remove tapeworms in animals like dogs, horses etc. Moreover, it is used to treat intestinal colic in animals especially horses. It is a treatment for many other conditions. Betel nut offers many benefits. However, some people do not eat it for its advantages. Instead, they chew it for pleasure by engaging mouth in some activity like we chew gum. Betel nut is widely known to be cancerous. However, they are as beneficial as any other nut we get from trees. Cancer is caused only if betel nut is mixed with tobacco. The only tobacco in it is responsible for cancer like oral cancer. Bangladesh accounts for around 80% of betel nut imports of about 50,000 tons of it. Betel nuts are used in a lot of special occasions celebrated in Bangladesh by wrapping it in betel leaf. However, it should be taken into consideration that it should not be taken by mouth for long-term and avoid high doses. Consuming around 5-30 grams of betel nut can even take your life It is recommended to pregnant women to avoid consumption of betel nuts to prevent danger to the fetus. Asthma patients should also not eat it as it can worsen the condition. Rarely, betel nut is said to be the reason for low blood pressure, shortness of breath.


EXPORT PRODUCT: Betel leaf is an edible leaf which is usually eaten by people in 'Paan' (often with betel nut and tobacco). Though both betel leaf and nut are beneficial, tobacco has detrimental effects on our body. Thus, Paan having tobacco in it should be avoided. There are various other ways betel nut can be consumed: eat them as it is, as Paan without tobacco, betel leaves to drink, in the salad, as a wrap etc. Moreover, it is used in prayers and other religious purposes in some places as it is widely believed to be auspicious. It contains vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin and carotene and calcium. Now let's see the curative benefits of betel leaves which will encourage you to include them in your diet regularly. And as always, our Bangladesh is famous for Betel Leaf or what we call it Paan.

Treat diabetes: Betel leaf contains diabetes-friendly components which decreases sugar level in blood. Thus, diabetes can be treated by regular consumption of betel leaves.

Helps to lose weight: Trying to shed some pounds? Well, betel leaves are what you need to add in your weight loss diet. It effectively reduces stubborn body fat and increases metabolic rate.
Prevent oral cancer: Consumption of betel leaves is extremely beneficial for oral health. It helps keep the level of ascorbic acid in saliva normal, thus preventing carcinogens that cause oral cancer. It is recommended to either chew them or boil few leaves in water and drink it regularly to see good results. Heals wounds: Betel leaves are put on wounded like a bandaged which helps in the wound healing process. It also treats boils.

Treat headache: Headache is very common in people nowadays. The main reason for headache is stress and a lot of people suffer from it. In case it's very severe, betel leaves should be applied externally on your head. This will instantly make you feel better due to its cooling properties.

Analgesic: Betel leaf acts as an analgesic as it gives instant relief from pain due to cuts, rashes, bruises etc. It can be applied as a paste externally as well as a drink as a juice internally. Also, it provides relief from internal body pain.

Constipation: Betel leaves works magically to relieve constipation. For that, you need to crush some leaves and keep it in water overnight and drink it the next day as first thing in the morning. This maintains a normal pH level in the body and makes bowel movements easier. Improve digestive system: A lot of people chew betel leaf after having a meal. Do you know why? Well, it is due to its amazing properties that help strengthen the gut. Furthermore, it increases metabolism rates and allows the intestines to do better absorption of necessary nutrients and vitamins.

Good for respiratory system: Betel leaf prevents cough and cold. It should be consumed by people who frequently have chest, lung problems like asthma, lung congestion etc. You can consume it as well as apply externally by applying oil on the leaf, warming it and putting on the chest. Alternatively, boil leaves in water along with cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and have it as a drink. It will give instant relief.

Protection from germs and fungal infection: Due to betel leaves' anti-fungal and antiseptic properties. Due to the presence of polyphenols, it protects from germs. It helps in the treatment of orchitis, arthritis etc. The anti-fungal properties help get rid of fungal infections by applying the leaves' paste on the infected area. Prevents pain from injury: Apply the paste of betel leaves on the injury instead of any medicine to get rid of pain and it also helps to reduce inflammation. Due to its anti-oxidant and other properties, it also benefits for treating asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart problem, high blood pressure, high cholesterol level, oral problems, depression etc.

Thus, it is a good idea to include it in your diet. If you eat Paan, never blame betel leaf for problems like oral cancer etc. because it is not its effect but the effect of tobacco and other ingredients in it. Betel leaf has not been proved to cause such deteriorating.


EXPORT PRODUCT: Green coconut is a fruit which is quite different from other fruits as it is the only one having lots of natural water-packed inside it. Green coconut is a young coconut which has an adequate amount of delicious and slightly sweet refreshing water inside. Additionally, it has white fleshy-like coconut meal inside it which is taken out by cutting coconut with a sharp knife. One coconut per person is enough due to a sufficient amount of water inside it which is nearly a full glass.

Green coconut is one of the super foods in the world. Your whole body inside becomes fresh and energetic. It is especially consumed in summers when you're sweating and you need something refreshing, having a glass of chilled green coconut water is what will enhance your mood in seconds. You can have it in various ways: coconut water for drinking, its meat, coconut milk etc. It has numerous nutritional and medicinal benefits and having one glass of its water daily can prevent many diseases as it acts as an inner body cleanser. It is packed with many useful nutrients.

It is used for weight loss: Coconut water helps boost the metabolism which makes it easier to burn fat. Due to the low concentration of carbohydrates in it, drinking a glass of coconut water will satisfy your hunger and you won't gain weight as well. For glowing skin: Who doesn't wish to have an appealing skin? Green coconut water has cytokinin in it, which acts as an anti-ageing agent. It also provides hydration to your skin which makes it look young and glowing. Coconut water can be applied externally on skin as well to fight against acne, skin blemishes, eczema and other skin problems.

For the immunity system: A healthy immune system is very important to prevent diseases and lead a healthy life. Coconut water's anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties help to boost your body's immune system.
For the digestive system: Tired of having digestive issues such as acid reflux? Green coconut water has natural enzymes in it can help improve your digestive system and make you feel a lot better.
As Energy Drink: It is usually consumed by people after working out as their energy drink as it helps in exercising, improve heart rate and prevents from being dehydrated. We love exporting the helpful Green Coconut from our Bangladesh to any part of the world.

Dry Fish

EXPORT PRODUCT: Fresh fish rapidly deteriorates unless some way can be found to preserve it. Drying is a strategy for food preservation that works by eliminating water from the food, which restrains the development of microorganisms. Outside drying utilizing sun and wind has been polished since old occasions to safeguard food. Water is normally taken out by dissipation (air drying, sun drying, smoking or wind drying) be that as it may, on account of freeze-drying, food is first solidified and afterward the water is eliminated by sublimation. Bacteria, yeasts and molds need the water in the food to grow and drying effectively prevents them from surviving in the food.

Fish are actually preserved through such conventional techniques as drying, smoking and salting. The oldest traditional way of preserving fish was to let the wind and sundry it. Drying food is the world's oldest known preservation method, and dried fish has a storage life of several years. The strategy is modest and successful in reasonable atmospheres; the work should be possible by the fisherman and family, and the subsequent item is effectively shipped to market.

Our famous Cox’s Bazar is not only known for the longest sea beach in the world, but rather also for the tasty dry fishes, and we HM EXPO PRIVATE LIMITED always export the best quality dry fishes to any part of the world.


EXPORT PRODUCT: Not to be mistaken for betel nut, which is the product of the areca palm. The betel (Piper betel) is a plant of the family Piperaceae, which incorporates pepper and kava. Betel leaf is generally expended in Asia, and somewhere else on the planet by some Asian exiled people, as betel quid or in paan, with Areca nut as well as tobacco.

In India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, a stack of betel leaves is generally offered as a characteristic of regard and promising beginnings. Events incorporate welcome older folks at wedding services, commending the New Year, and offering installment to Ayurvedic doctors and stargazers (to whom cash or potentially areca nut, set on head of the pile of leaves, are offered in much obliged for endowments).

The betel plant is an evergreen enduring, with shiny heart-formed leaves and white catkin. The betel plant began in South and South-East Asia. The betel leaf is developed generally in South and Southeast Asia, from Pakistan to Papua New Guinea. It needs a viable tree or a long post for help. Betel requires very much depleted fruitful soil. Waterlogged, saline and antacid soils are inadmissible for its development. In Bangladesh, ranchers called barui set up a nursery called a barouj in which to develop betel. The barouj is fenced with bamboo sticks and coconut leaves. The dirt is blasted through wrinkles of 10 to 15 meters' length, 75 centimeters in width and 75 centimeters' profundity. Oil cakes, compost, and leaves are altogether consolidated with the dirt of the wrinkles and wood debris. The cuttings are planted toward the start of the storm season. Betel Plant development in Bangladesh Proper shade and water system are basic for the fruitful development of this harvest. Betel needs continually damp soil, however there ought not be exorbitant dampness. Water system is successive and light, and standing water ought not remain.

Marine Fish

EXPORT PRODUCT: First thing to be mentioned, Bangladesh is best for exporting fishes worldwide. And we are one of the trusted agencies for you to buy fishes from Bangladesh. Now let’s read about fishes. Saltwater fish, likewise called marine fish, will be fish that live in sea water. Saltwater fish can swim and live alone or in an enormous gathering called a school. Saltwater fish are generally kept in aquariums for amusement. Numerous saltwater fish are likewise gotten to be eaten. Fishes that live in the sea can be carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores. Herbivores in the sea eat things, for example, green growth and flowering seagrasses. Numerous herbivores' weight control plans comprise of essential green growth. Most saltwater fish will eat both macroalgae and microalgae. Numerous fish eat red, green, earthy colored, and blue green growth, however some fish favor specific sorts. Most saltwater fish that are carnivores will never eat green growth under any conditions. Carnivores' eating regimens comprise of shrimp, microscopic fish, or little shellfish. Bondage

Saltwater fish tanks are mainstream among organizations and families. Saltwater aquariums are a multi-million-dollar industry in the United States. Around 10 million marine fish are brought into the United States every year for aquarium use. The United States imports more saltwater fish than some other nation on the planet. There are roughly 2,000 distinct types of saltwater fish that are imported and utilized in bondage. By and large, fish utilized for marine exchange is gathered utilizing destructive strategies, for example, cyanide. One way that individuals are attempting to secure the coral reefs is by rearing marine fish in bondage. Hostage reproduced fish are known to be more beneficial and prone to live more. Hostage reproduced fish are less defenseless to infection since they have not been presented to the wild and they have not been harmed during the shipment cycle. Fish that are reared in bondage are as of now acclimated with aquarium territories and food.

Guava Fruit

EXPORT PRODUCT: Our Barishal district is famous for Guava fruit all over the world. None can beat the taste and quality of Guava fruit of Barishal In Bangladesh. HM EXPO PRIVATE LIMITED would be the best choice for you if you want to buy guavas from Bangladesh.
Let us now read about guava.

Inga (regular name shimbillo) is a variety of little tropical, intense leaved, nitrogen-fixing trees and bushes, subfamily Mimosoideae. Inga's leaves are pinnate, and flowers are commonly white. A considerable lot of the several species are utilized decoratively. A few related plants have been set into this family at once, for instance, Yopo (Cohoba, Mopo, Nopo or Parica – Anadenanthera peregrina – as Inga niopo). The seeds are secured with sweet white powder. The mash covering the seeds is daintily fibrous and sweet, and plentiful in minerals; it is eatable in the crude state. The tree's name starts from the Tupi word in-gá signifying "splashed", because of the natural product powder consistency. The tree as a rule blooms two times every year. Inside the Inga variety there are around 300 species, the majority of them local and developing in the Amazon backwoods district albeit a few animal varieties are likewise found in Mexico, Greater and the Lesser Antilles and different nations in South America, being an only neotropical class. The trees are normally found by waterway and lake edges in light of the fact that their seeds are conveyed there by floods. Product of an Inga-species.

All Inga species produce their seeds in "bean-like" units and some can reach up to 1 m long, when all is said in done, the cases are 10–30 cm long. Trees can reach up to 15 meters and they are broadly utilized for delivering conceal over espresso plants. The plant benefits from very much depleted soil. The flowers are white with some green and the tree can create organic products practically throughout the entire year. Inga species, most outstandingly Inga edulis (ordinarily known as "frozen yogurt bean" or, in Spanish, "guama", "guava", "guava de bejuco" or "paterna" contingent upon the nation or area) frequently have eatable mash. The name gets from the way that those of I. edulis looks like vanilla frozen yogurt in flavor. In Ecuador, Inga edulis is known as "guava de bejuco" and, the other mainstream species there, Inga spectabilis, as "guava de cleaver.

Indian Women Cloth & Accessories

IMPORT PRODUCT: When people talk about fashion and clothes, none can beat India in that. Whenever we hear about fashionable, latest, classy, women clothing and accessories, the first place that comes to our mind is India.

Each part of India is unique on its own way, so it is same with the clothes. Each part of India holds unique, different and trendy designs of women wears. From part wears to simple, unique and classy, every types of women wears can be found in India. The attire in India likewise envelops the wide assortment of Indian weaving, prints, handwork, adornment, styles of wearing garments. A wide blend of Indian customary attire and western styles can be found in India and HM EXPO PRIVATE LIMITED are the biggest importers in Bangladesh of Indian Women Clothes and Accessories.


IMPORT PRODUCT: A shoe is a thing of footwear expected to ensure and comfort the human foot. Shoes are additionally utilized as a thing of enhancement and design. The plan of shoes has changed massively through time and from culture to culture, with appearance initially being attached to work. Furthermore, style has regularly directed many plan components, for example, regardless of whether shoes have high heels or flat ones. Contemporary footwear differs generally in style, intricacy and cost. We import the best quality shoes in Bangladesh.


IMPORT/EXPORT PRODUCT: Stone has various employments. It is utilized for developing structures, government and private streets, ghats, courses, etc. It has extraordinary interest in nation Bangladesh and is required in enormous sums by Bangladesh development organizations throughout the entire year so they are imported from India and Bhutan to meet the prerequisites. Great quality stone is extricated from Sylhet area of Bangladesh which is utilized everywhere on over the nation. We import and export stones to Bangladesh.

Points of interest:

  1. It assists with making a very much organized framework which is enduring. They have a great deal of solidarity and can be utilized for building up huge structures too.
  2. Usually, stones get influenced by characteristic factors, for example, wind, downpour and so on. These great quality stones have long strength and don't have any negative impact because of these powers.
  3. Machines and men power are utilized during development. Along these lines, the stone ought to be of solid material. This imported stone is sufficiently hard to conquer a wide range of powers.
  4. This is non-permeable which keeps it from decaying because of downpour.

Middle Eastern Dates

IMPORT PRODUCT: We import Arabian Dates to Bangladesh, as we all know that how much Bangladeshis love dates.

Phoenix dactylifera, normally known as date or date palm, is a flowering plant animal category in the palm family, Arecaceae, developed for its consumable sweet organic product. In spite of the fact that its definite spot of inception is questionable due to long development, it presumably started from the Fertile Crescent area riding among Egypt and Mesopotamia. The species is generally developed across Northern Africa, the Middle East, the Horn of Africa and South Asia, and is naturalized in numerous tropical and subtropical locales around the world. dactylifera is the sort types of class Phoenix, which contains 12–19 types of wild date palms, and is the significant wellspring of business creation.

Date trees normally reach around 21–23 meters (69–75 ft) in tallness, developing separately or shaping a bunch with a few stems from a solitary root framework. Date natural products (dates) are oval-barrel shaped, 3 to 7 centimeters (1.2 to 2.8 in) long, and about 2.5 centimeters (0.98 in) in measurement, extending from splendid red to brilliant yellow, contingent upon the assortment. At around 61-68 percent sugar by mass when dried, dates are an exceptionally sweet organic product. Dates have been a staple food of the Middle East and the Indus Valley for a huge number of years. There is archeological proof of date development in Arabia from the sixth thousand years BCE. The complete yearly world creation of dates adds up to 8.5 million metric tons, nations of the Middle East and North Africa being the biggest makers. The species name dactylifera "date-bearing" originates from the Greek words daktylos (δάκτυλος), which signifies "date" (likewise "finger"), and fero (φέρω), which signifies "I bear". The natural product is known as a date. The organic product's English name (through Old French), just as the Latin both, originate from the Greek word for "finger", dáktulos, as a result of the organic product's stretched shape.

Electric Bicycle

IMPORT PRODUCT: An electric bike is otherwise called an e-bicycle is a bike with a coordinated electric engine which can be utilized for drive. Numerous sorts of e-bicycles are accessible around the world, from e-bicycles that just have a little engine to help the rider's pedal-power (for example pedelecs) to all the more impressive e-bicycles which are nearer to sulked style usefulness. All hold the capacity to be accelerated by the rider and are along these lines not electric bikes. E-bicycles utilize battery-powered batteries and the lighter ones can venture out dependent upon 25 to 32 km/h (16 to 20 mph), contingent upon neighborhood laws, while the more powerful assortments can frequently accomplish in excess of 45 km/h (28 mph). In certain business sectors, for example, Germany starting at 2013, they are picking up in fame and removing some piece of the overall industry from regular bikes, while in others, for example, China starting at 2010, they are supplanting petroleum derivative controlled mopeds and little bikes.

Contingent upon nearby laws, numerous e-bicycles (e.g., pedelecs) are legitimately classified as bikes instead of mopeds or cruisers. This excludes them from the more severe laws with respect to the certification and activity of all the more remarkable bikes which are regularly classed as electric cruisers. E-bicycles can likewise be defined independently and treated under unmistakable Electric bike laws. E-bicycles are the electric engine fueled adaptations of mechanized bikes, which have been being used since the late nineteenth century. Some bike sharing frameworks use them. During the 1890s, electric bikes were reported inside different U.S. licenses. For instance, on 31 December 1895, Ogden Bolton Jr. was allowed U.S. Patent 552,271 for a battery-fueled bike with "6-post brush-and-commutator direct current (DC) center engine mounted in the back wheel". There were no apparatuses and the engine could attract up to 100 amperes (A) from a 10-volt battery. We import best quality e-bike in Bangladesh.


IMPORT PRODUCT: We import best quality pampers/diapers to Bangladesh. If you want to bulk buy imported pampers/diapers then don’t forget to contact us.

Men’s Trimmer

IMPORT PRODUCT: In our daily life, trimmer is one of the most important, it is an effective time-saving instrument for all men. Who doesn’t want a best quality imported men’s trimmer? So, for that we are here in Bangladesh to bring you the best quality imported men’s trimmer.

Full Cream Powder

IMPORT PRODUCT: In our daily life, milk is an essential important drink. None can finish writing the benefits and advantages of drinking milk. We import best quality full cream milk powder.